Beginning a healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming. So, today I want to share three quick changes to start a healthier lifestyle.
They are so small that it will be easy to add them to your routine.

Now, what does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle?
If you are reading this, you have already asked yourself this question.
I was in the same situation, but I have found answers.
For years, people have believed that being healthy means not being sick.
But, a healthy lifestyle involves more than the absence of disease.
We’ve also discovered that it means more than having an exercise routine or a healthy diet.
Don’t get me wrong, those are all fine, but there are plenty of other things to consider.
I see it this way:
A healthy lifestyle is a way of living in which you feel energetic and strong mentally and physically.
It also means that you live in harmony with everything around you.
A healthy lifestyle includes these components:
- Physical activity
- Nutrition
- Community
- Mental health
- Environment
So, it has you as the center, and it takes into account the people and the environment around you.
If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.
It is not easy to improve something if you do not receive the support of those around us.
I’ve also learned something else you should know…
A healthy lifestyle is not the result. It is a path that involves constant changes.
Why is it necessary to make changes to have a healthier lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle will allow you to live longer and better.
When you make not-so-healthy lifestyle choices, you increase your risk of diseases such as:
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Heart diseases
- atherosclerosis
The list is even longer, but these are the most common diseases.
To give you some perspective on this, I want to share a few numbers:
More than 3 million people receive a diagnosis of obesity each year. And about 18.2 million people in the US have heart disease.
Only 3% of people reported having a healthy lifestyle. 153,000 adults in the US responded to this survey the following aspects as part of a healthy life:
Having a balanced weight, no smoking, eating fruits and vegetables, and having regular physical activity.
As you already know, a healthy lifestyle includes many other things.
But it’s okay to start small.
There are simple changes that you still have time to make to be healthier.
How can you start a healthier lifestyle?
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the information available to start a healthier lifestyle.
That’s why you should start with small steps.
Making small changes in your life will be easy, and they will impact your health.
What you should aim for are changes that last over time. Because when you’re looking to be healthier, you’re also looking to make it a lifestyle.
Let’s dive into the three quick changes you can make for a healthier lifestyle.
These need little extra time, money, or resources to do. And this is essential to keep in mind when you create new habits.
Quick changes you can make for a healthier lifestyle

Change #1 to a healthier lifestyle: Reduce the use of wireless headphones
You have heard about the negative impact of EMF radiation.
These electromagnetic fields are generally associated with phones.
Your phone emits electromagnetic fields that affect your body with long-term negative consequences.
EMFs are linked to diseases such as cancer.
Despite the warnings, we continue to use our phones all the time.
You use it all day, in the morning and at night.
What you don’t know is that your wireless headphones also emit EMF.
That’s because of the battery in each earbud. That allows staying charged without needing to be plugged into something.
I understand that it may be difficult for you to stop using your wireless headphones.
But try to reduce the time to less than an hour every day.
Use traditional headphones if you can’t live without listening to music or your favorite podcast.
Change # 2 to a healthier lifestyle: Wash your sheets once a week
Life can get busy. And if you have important things to do for work or school, cleaning your sheets is the last thing on your mind.
But, on average, you spend 10 hours each day in our beds.
Your sweat, dead skin, and other fluids accumulate on your sheets.
It is also hard to see all these things building up.
If you don’t wash your sheets often, you may have sleeping problems, skin irritations, and more.
And this causes issues in your productivity, energy, and mood.
That’s why you should wash your sheets more often.
Experts recommend washing them once a week.
So, you can have a better rest and avoid all of the other negative consequences that come with not washing your sheets often.
Change # 3 to a healthier lifestyle: Drink a gut-healing tea every week
Your gut has a connection with every part of your body.
People used to think that your brain sends signals to your body, but now we know that your gut also sends messages to your brain.
It is a bidirectional relationship.
That explains why sometimes you eat something and your mood changes.
Or why you are more productive after eating or drinking something.
Each piece of food you take to your mouth is affecting or not the health of your intestine.
A typical American adult diet is not the best for our digestive health.
But now, there are many ways to help our gut heal.
The easiest thing is to drink a healing tea every morning, before breakfast.
Find here the recipe for my favorite morning tea. This tea is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Are you ready to make changes and start a healthier lifestyle?
This is a question that seems obvious, but few ask themselves.
When you don’t find the motivation to start something, it is because you are not ready.
So how do you know if you’re ready to make healthy changes?
There are four stages of change you need to be aware of:
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
Stage | Description | Are you in this stage? |
Contemplation | You know you need a change, but you are not sure yet. | You are thinking about it, but you are not ready to start. |
Preparation | You decided to make a change but haven’t started yet. | If you are here, you want to start within a month to do what’s necessary to live better. |
Action | You are taking action and making the changes you want. | If you are here, you have been practicing your new behaviors for at least three months |
Maintenance | You are trying to be consistent with your new healthy lifestyle. | It’s been six months since you started your new habits. |
What stage are you in?
Most people are in the first two stages, and that’s fine.
If you are in either of those two, it means that you are aware that you need to change something.
You need one last push to make the jump.
And that confidence to take the next step comes when you know what to do.
If you’re ready to get started (Preparation Stage), the next section is for you, so read on.
How can you make these three quick changes work for a healthier lifestyle?
To begin with, you have to be realistic.
You should know that changing habits and routines is not done overnight, it takes time.
By the time I mean weeks, months, or years.
It depends on your personality, your thoughts, and your environment.
And it also depends on what stage of change you are in.
Here’s how you can develop healthy habits that stick:
If you haven’t read my post on habit building, I encourage you to do so.
That post covers the basics of habit formation.
That way, you learn an easy way to create habits.
Also, check out my post on breaking habits and see what mistakes you may be making.
When you’re done reading them, come back to this post.
Use the techniques I taught there and add these three quick changes to create a healthier lifestyle.
What other changes can you make to have a healthier lifestyle?
Remember that a healthy lifestyle includes more than fitness and nutrition goals.
It is a journey, and you must include different aspects of your life.
You can also add these other changes to your life:
- Clean your house often
- Clear your mind
- Add more steps to your day
- Cook more often at home
- Get enough sleep
- Reduce sugar intake
- Read more books that inspire or educate you
- Follow the people who inspire you
- Take care of the people around you
Do you think you need to make changes to live a healthier lifestyle?
What changes are you already making? let me know in the comments
Check out my Pinterest and Instagram profiles for QUICK and EASY TIPS to start your journey to healthy living.
Fransic says
I’m working on it to have a better lifestyle. These are going to help a lot. Thank you for sharing!
Nury - Her New Habits says
You’re welcome! I’m happy to know that you found them helpful. Let me know if you have any questions 🙂
Karen Kasberg says
So many great tips. I use my wireless headphones at night while I listen to calming music to help me fall asleep. After reading this, I need to rethink using them every night. Doing my best to live healthier every day 🙂
Nury - Her New Habits says
So glad that you found this helpful. There are small changes we start doing to have a healthier lifestyle and they won’t make us feel overwhelmed.
Hope says
I definitely need to make more changes to live a healthier lifestyle! I’ve been trying to add more steps to my day. Usually it’s easy for me to stay active in the winter, but I really struggled to this year. With the days getting brighter, I’m going to get up and move more.
Nury - Her New Habits says
Hey! Small changes in your routine will take you to a healthier lifestyle. I have a post on Instagram about getting more steps in your without leaving the house if you want to check it out:
Cindy Mom the Lunch Lady says
During the pandemic when I was home and had tons of time, I was doing wonderfully leading a healthier lifestyle. With my return to work and being constantly exhausted from waking up early, being on my feet all day and running a household, some things have fallen to the wayside. I need to find the motivation to get back on track.
Nury - Her New Habits says
I can imagine how difficult is for you to keep those healthy habits. But the same way you created a healthy lifestyle while working from home you will be able to do it again nworking from the office. Start with little changes, be patient and kind to yourself 🙂
Heather says
Great tips! Thank you for sharing!
Nury - Her New Habits says
You’re welcome 🙂
W. Santiago | Literal Med says
There are so many simple ways that we can follow to have a healthy lifestyle, we just need to start doing it and making a habit. Thanks!
Nury - Her New Habits says
That’s right! Little simples changes can make a big difference in our lives 🙂
Jenny Parker says
As someone who has MS and some other diseases this is great information! I’ve been trying to be healthier, so this information helps a lot!
Nury - Her New Habits says
Jenny thanks! Sorry about your health issues. So glad you find these quick changes helpful, so you can have a healthier lifestyle.
Deanna | Life By Deanna says
I am trying to take steps daily towards a healthier lifestyle. Some days are better than others haha. Interesting info about the headphones!
Nury - Her New Habits says
Hi Deanna, I’m glad to hear that you are already making some changes towards a healthier lifestyle.
Queen Gee says
I am working to maintain a healthy lifestyle – I recently stated doing the strong challenge which encourages reading daily, exercise and drinking water. Before I wasn’t really into drinking so much water but find it does help with moods. Bringing on the healthy mental health part- I will be coming back for more info thanks for sharing
Nury - Her New Habits says
It’s great that you are working on your healthy lifestyle. That challenge sounds great, where did you find it? Drinking water is a good way to start your health journey. Thanks for sharing and I hope you find more useful information in future posts 🙂