Do you keep saying “I’ll start on Monday”, but never actually, do it?
You want to find that one habit to overcome procrastination and build a healthy routine.
You want to be healthier. And you know what you need to do.
Exercise, eat better, meditate, and so on. But it’s hard for you to even start. The dream is to be healthier, the problem is to get started.
You keep wondering: Why is it so hard to do all these things and start a healthy routine?
Most of the time you blame your lack of motivation. Sometimes you blame the time. But most likely your lack of sleep is the reason you can’t be healthier.
You don’t lack motivation, you lack energy.
At night your body restores.
When you are asleep, your body: a) Resets, b) Detoxify, and c) Gets new energy.
This allows your system to work properly the next day.
Four hours of sleep only allows you to take care of basic functions.
Activities like exercising take a large amount of energy. Especially at the beginning. Researchers have shown that it takes more energy to start something than continue it.
Start by creating the habit of sleeping at the same time to get healthier.
This will help your body to have more energy and is the one habit you need to overcome procrastination and start a healthy routine.
Start with a simple routine:
1. Choose a time.
2. Prepare to go at that time.
3. Do it every day at the same hour.
This sounds easy, but it’s not. If you struggle to fall asleep, try the next activities before bed:
-Warm bath
Also, bring down the lights in your house.
When you master this part, you can establish a good time to wake up.
And follow the same process to create that habit too.
The next time you think you can’t do something, see how well you are sleeping every night.
Leave a comment with any questions you have about this one habit to overcome procrastination and start a healthy routine.
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