To have a productive day, you need to start your morning off right. These are the 8 healthiest things you can do in the morning if you’re a working person.

It’s no secret that we all have a hard time getting up in the morning. The alarm clock goes off and we find ourselves hitting the snooze button over and over again. It’s not until the last minute that we finally get up, and then it’s a mad rush to get ready for work.
But what if there was another way to start the day right? What if you could wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day? This post will explore some amazing ways to start your day off right!
What are the healthiest things to do in the morning?
There are many different opinions about what is the healthiest morning routine. Some people believe that getting up early and going for a run is the best way to start the day, while others believe in starting with a healthy breakfast.
The healthiest morning routine is something that works for you and your busy lifestyle. There is no right way to start the day. The key is to find the routine that works best for you and then stick to it.
If you’re someone who likes to sleep in late, it might be best to start your day with a healthy breakfast. If you are someone who likes to go for a run early in the morning, then perhaps it would be better for you to start the day with a light workout.
Either way, there are a few activities that experts recommend as the best ways to start your day. Take them as ideas to build your own morning routine. At the end of this post, you’ll find tips on how to create your own effective and long-lasting morning routine.
No. 1 Drink coffee or tea at the right time

It is common for many people to wake up and have a cup of coffee or tea, and although there is nothing wrong with either, it is important that you understand the best time to drink them.
When you wake up your cortisol level is high because your body wants to give you the energy you need to get up. Caffeine increases these cortisol levels causing negative effects on your health and performance throughout the day.
For this reason, it is ideal to wait between 2 and 4 hours to drink your first cup of coffee or tea. The only exception is herbal teas as these are caffeine-free and will not affect you in any way.
During that time, opt for water. If you don’t like the taste, add fruit extract to make it taste better. Drinking at least a glass of water first thing in the morning helps your body rehydrate after a long period of rest without access to fluids.
No. 2 Keep your gut regular and healthy

Hormones in your gut help regulate your mood, your immune system, blood sugar, and more. So maintaining a healthy gut is important to your overall health.
Having regular bowel movements is a good indicator that your digestive system is working as it should. This depends on your lifestyle, body clocks, daily movement, and diet. But there are some things you can do in the morning to help make your gut healthier and more regular.
First, get your body moving. Try stretching, light yoga, walking, or light exercise. All of these things would increase your heart rate, improve your blood circulation, and also improve your mood.
Second, add fiber to your diet. Fiber helps you maintain a regular bowel movement. The daily recommendation is 30 g of fiber. You can easily reach this amount by increasing the portion of raw or cooked vegetables at each meal. Check with your nutritionist about how you can add more fiber to your diet.
No. 3 Wake up at your natural wake uptime

You think sleeping in will help you feel better, but you actually end up feeling worse than when you wake up earlier. That’s because when your body knows the sleep cycle is about to end, it starts to release cortisol.
Cortisol is the hormone that gives you the energy to wake up and get moving. If you sleep past the time cortisol is released, cortisol levels won’t be high enough to give you energy.
But how do you know when this happens? Try one day to wake up naturally and without alarms. This will give you an idea of how long it takes your body to recover. Pay attention to what time you went to sleep the night before and what time you got up.
After you determine how much time you need, identify what would be the best times for you to get up and wake up. If you require 7 hours of sleep then adjust your schedule so you can get that time. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time to keep your sleep cycle in sync.
No. 4 Wake up in a tidy environment

In the early hours of the morning, your brain is usually more vulnerable, as is the rest of your body. This is because you are moving from the sleep phase to the active phase. During this transition, any stimulus from the environment can generate positive or negative effects easily.
One of the healthiest ways to start the day is to be able to wake up in a calm and clean environment. That is why the night before, try to leave most places in your house clean and tidy. Especially the kitchen and your bathroom which is where you will spend most of your time in the morning. Whether it’s bathing, getting ready or making breakfast, or making coffee.
Waking up and seeing your messy environment will cause you nothing but irritability, anger, or even frustration. And while it’s okay to have these kinds of emotions, it’s better to start your day in a calmer way. Everything you experience in the morning will mark the rest of your day.
If you work all day, organizing when you get home maybe your last priority, but try it one day and you will see what a difference it makes. Over time, and even if you’re tired, you’ll be able to add this habit to your routine and have a big impact on your overall health.
No. 5 Leave room for your own thoughts and ideas.

When you wake up, your brain and body need time to go from the resting phase to the waking phase. During the first hour or two you are vulnerable, try not to make decisions, fill your mind with the news, with your to-do list, or with social media.
Give yourself time to wake up and be aware of your own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. This is also a good time to think about what you dreamed, as it will be easier for you to remember your dreams at this time of day.
Two good ways to wake up your brain without stressing it too much is through meditation or breathing exercises. You can also try writing to release all the emotions, thoughts, and even worries that you have in those first hours of the morning.
Checking your phone first thing in the morning is a habit that you might have, and it makes you think that you are being productive. But in reality, it is causing the opposite. It is actually having a negative impact on your health and performance. So pay attention and be more careful what you do in the morning.
No. 6 Take a cold shower for 30 seconds.

Warm baths help relax your body so it makes more sense to take them at night before you go to sleep. While cold baths refresh you and give you energy, so it is better to take them in the morning.
If you’re like me and the thought of cold water is scary, try taking a 30-second shower at the end of your usual warm shower. Those last seconds of a cold shower will help your body to activate in a simple way and without stressing it too much.
Another technique consists of bathing for 10 seconds with cold water and 10 seconds with warm water simultaneously for 1 minute in a row. It may sound complicated, but once you get used to it you will be able to see the great advantages.
When you wake up you need to activate your body, and this does not only refer to your muscles. You must also activate your bones and organs, including your brain. A bath with cold water will be ideal to wake up each part of your body and prepare it to face the rest of the day.
No. 7 Stimulate your sense in a positive way

As soon as you wake up your body is very sensitive to all stimuli. That is why when the alarm sounds you hear a loud noise, but in reality, it is not so loud, it is just that your senses are more sensitive.
When your body perceives strong stimuli, it releases cortisol to prepare you to take action. And the presence of this hormone is important, however, when its levels are very high, it can negatively affect your health.
To prevent this from happening, you should try to feed your senses with positive stimuli. For example, you can listen to your favorite song, meditate or read a book. So if you are wondering what are the healthiest things to do in the morning, this is one of them. These and many other things will help you awaken different senses in the best way.
On the other hand, watching the news or social media as soon as you wake up is not the best way to start your day. This type of content raises your cortisol levels causing stress, fatigue, brain fog, and irritability.
No. 8 Write your to-do list the night before

Starting the day organized is one of the healthiest things you can do for your health and productivity. The easiest way to do this is to take 5 minutes the night before and write down the 5 most important tasks you need to do the next day.
If you’ve been working all day, this idea might sound a bit complicated. But taking time the night before to prepare for the next day will allow you to make better use of your time.
It is important that in the mornings you let your body and mind make the fewest decisions because as I mentioned before, both are more vulnerable at this time of day when you just wake up.
When you start your day and know exactly what you need to do, you won’t have to expend extra energy to get around easily in the morning. With this tip, you will be more productive whether you work at home or in an office, and you will also experience a feeling of accomplishment first thing in the morning.
This was the list of the healthiest things to do in the morning for a working woman. If you are just starting out, you may have some questions. In the next section, you’ll find answers to the most common questions when planning your routine and trying to decide what are the healthiest things to do in the morning.
Why is a healthy morning routine important?
A healthy morning routine can have a positive impact on your mood, productivity, and mental health. Morning routines vary from person to person. Some people start their day with meditation, others with breakfast, and some with exercise.
Whatever you do first thing in the morning will have an impact on the rest of your day. That’s why it’s so important to have a healthy morning routine. Starting the day by checking your phone can affect your mood and productivity for the rest of the day.
When you know what are the healthiest things to do in the morning, you can choose and create a routine that works for your body, mind, and lifestyle.
How can you build the healthiest morning routine?
The best morning routine is the one that works for you. It should be something that fills you with energy and starts your day on a positive note. It should also be something that helps you achieve your goals without becoming overwhelmed or time-consuming.
To achieve this you will have to study your time, reflect on your tastes and needs and create a plan that works for you.
Building a morning routine involves building a whole set of new healthy habits, so if you want to know a 5-step system that can help you do it with ease, download the guide and start working on it now.
Can you have the healthiest morning routine when you work from home or from the office?
It is possible to have a healthy morning routine when you work from home or from the office. The key is to prepare your morning routine ahead of time so you can stick to it. It is important to limit the number of decisions that your body and mind have to make so that you can use your energy in important areas.
The best way to do this is by following a checklist. This will ensure that you don’t forget anything and that you can easily keep up with your morning routine. Take notes on your phone and set reminders for each activity you have planned to do. That way it’s easy for you to start getting on track and seeing results.
Another way is to use a habit tracker to closely monitor every step you take and see how you can improve. The important thing is not only to write down that you complied with the habit but to reflect on how it makes you feel and the benefits you are obtaining by doing it.
How can you make a realistic routine using this list of the healthiest things to do in the morning?
It is important to start the day with a clear and realistic plan. This will help you get out of bed, get ready to go to work on time, and take care of yourself at the same time.
To create a realistic morning routine you must know very well how you are using your time. You should also prioritize the tasks that you consider can generate more positive effects for you. It is useless to include meditation in your routine if it is something that does not call your attention to do.
When creating new habits and routines, it’s important to be intentional and make sure you enjoy the new activity. Otherwise, it’s hard for you to stick to that new behavior.
Also, keep in mind that this routine can change depending on where you are in your life. So do not get discouraged if you have to make some changes in your routine, on the contrary, this will help you to continue creating a realistic plan adjusted to your lifestyle.
Can the healthiest morning routine change your life?
A morning routine is a series of activities that you do in the morning. The goal of a morning routine is to make your day more productive and happier.
If you are consistent the benefits of having a morning routine are abundant:
- You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed.
- Have more time to complete tasks.
- You will feel less stressed.
- It will help you make healthier choices throughout the day.
- It will give you more time to be active.
If your day is packed with work and other responsibilities, but you still want to find time to do your morning routine, you’ll need to learn how to wake up early in the morning while getting enough sleep. It is an important change that will bring you many benefits in the long run.

A healthy morning routine is important for maintaining a good mood, increasing productivity, and improving mental health. The problem is that sometimes it seems impossible to find the right time to do all this.
The life of a woman is not always easy. You have to juggle between your personal and professional life. But there are some things you can do to make her life easier and more enjoyable. In this post, we took a look at the 8 healthiest things you can do in the morning to improve your health and productivity.
Each activity is simple and will not take you much time or resources to complete. So if you make the decision and make a plan you will be able to carry out a morning routine that feels good for you.
All of these activities are optional. You don’t need to include all of them in your routine. They are some ideas for you to know what are the healthiest things you can do every morning.
If you want more ideas about habits to develop, subscribe to “Her New Balance” Newsletter and you will receive a new habit every week and tips to implement it in your day today.
Amanda says
I do no 7 all the time. Start the day with a meditation.
Would love to wake up at my natural time but no hope with young kids! Good post…
Nury - Her New Habits says
Meditating is one of the healthiest ways to start your morning. It helps your body to prepare for the day ahead. Oh! yes! I can’t imagine how difficult it can be with little kids around, but once they grow you can start adjusting your sleep cycle.
Tianna says
These are some great tips I will definitely look at putting a few into practice
Nury - Her New Habits says
Great! I’m so glad to hear that. I hope you can implement any of this to create the healthiest morning routine for you!
Skye Sauchelli says
I loooove a good morning routine! The idea to incorporate a 30 second cold shower sounds invigorating! My favorite part of my morning routine is my quiet time to read and sip coffee. I find that slowness instead of hustle is what I need! Great post 🙂
Nury - Her New Habits says
haha! I’ve been slowly trying that one out because it gives a lot of benefits to your overall health. That sounds like a nice morning routine! Thanks for reading!
Christine says
I find that having a morning routine really helps me to start the day off on the right foot. I like your tip #4 waking up in a tidy environment because I find I can’t function properly especially if my kitchen is in a mess. Thanks for sharing!
Nury - Her New Habits says
Exactly! that one also works very well for me. I get overwhelmed if I wake up and my kitchen is a mess. You’re welcome! thanks for reading 🙂
Curated by Noelle says
I love the part about waiting to drink caffeine, I definitely needed to read that. I have been trying so hard to wait in the morning before drinking coffee and drink a glass of water instead, but some mornings it’s hard. Thank you for this post!
Nury - Her New Habits says
Having caffeine during the day is completely fine, but it works better for your body when you wait a few hours after you wake up. I’m glad that resonated with you. Thanks for commenting 🙂
Alyssa Squirrell says
love a good morning routine. it really sets the tone for the rest of the day and makes you feel so good!
Nury - Her New Habits says
Yes! Creating an intentional morning routine is the best you can do for you body and mind.
Krystian says
The best thing I do is ALL the dishes the night before. There is nothing like waking up to a clean kitchen!!!
Nury - Her New Habits says
I 100% agreed. That’s the best feeling haha!
W. Santiago | Literal Med says
I have some of them already included in my morning routine. Thanks for all of them!
Nury - Her New Habits says
You’re welcome 🙂
Gallivanting Guides says
Great ideas!! I am always trying to work on my gut health. As part of my routine, I continually practice #5, 8 which are very helpful!! Thank you for sharing the information!!
Nury - Her New Habits says
I’m glad you found these tips helpful 🙂
carissa says
These are awesome tips!
Nury - Her New Habits says